Tuesday 4 September 2012

How does our future look?

    Despite the fact we are behaving exactly like a couple, no official status has been confirmed between us yet. Well at least not for now. My mum has started seeing Dear as my gf, and common friends around us are pretty much convinced we are a pair. Perhaps we are in a situation whereby we are both not ready to be confirmed as a couple. Even if we are, how does the future hold for us? I certainly hope that things will develop well for both of us.

    We have known each other for 3 months already, and have been spending a lot of quality time together for the past 2 weeks or so. I believe Dear's major concern is whether I really like her to be together and what if things turn stale between us after the honeymoon period. Right now I can only try my best to reassure her that things are developing fine between us. I am not exactly an interesting person and I may turn out to be a real bore at times when we are together. I just hope I can keep things afresh between us. I really appreciate and treasure her and I hope we can still develop further. I still harbour hopes of making a fresh start in property business and I know with Dear's support and encouragement, I will be able to do it again.

   I may be able to squeeze out enough time for dinner around Bugis tonight. U wanna meet me then???

  "我愿变成童话里你爱的那个天使, 张开双手变成翅傍守护你." - 童话

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